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Special Airsoft Ops

Membership Application Form

Please complete this form fully and present it with:

  • Two forms of identification. (Passport, Photo Driving Licence, Original Utility Bill showing Home Address. Photocopies and mobile phone bills will not be accepted.

  • Passport size photo with your name or upload the photo.

  • Full membership fee per year. (£60.00) can be paid on line. The year will be from the date stated.

Your Special Ops Airsoft Membership will include:

  • UKARA (after the 3 games as required if over 18, or when you become 18).

  • £5.00 off entry for regular games at either site.

  • Special Ops Airsoft Patch.

  • Membership Card

  • Members only games.

  • 10% Discount for items except food

  • Access to closed events.

  • Members only Training Courses. (When available)

In completing this form, you agree to abide by all of Special Ops Airsoft Policies and Rules.

Failing to do so will jeopardise your membership with suspension or removal from both Special Ops Airsoft and UKARA.

Membership for players under 18 does not entitle them to purchase RIFS.

The details you provide on this form are the details that will be shared with UKARA and our suppliers.

The address supplied will be the postal address any equipment will be sent to.

As a result of any incident or matter concern, Special Ops Airsoft reserve the right to share this information with other agencies.

Date of Birth
  • You will automatically be added to our mailing list, if you do NOT wish this to happen, please thick the box below

Are you under 18 years old?

I wish to be considered for Membership to Special Ops Airsoft and agree to abide by the Rules and Policies of Special Ops Airsoft. I understand that any breech on my part may well lead to my suspension or revocation of Membership from both Special Ops Airsoft and UKARA

Special Ops Airsoft is a trading name of Special Ops HQ Limited, which is Registered in England and Wales under Company No.08603704.

Copyright 2013 Special Ops HQ Limited - All rights Reserved.

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